Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miss Fickle

"I don't like it" has become C's latest catchphrase.  Once she was able to put these four little words together in a sentence, she has been using them something fierce.  She uses it when we play music in the car, she uses it when we serve her food she doesn't want to eat and the one that really makes me crazy is...

when we change her diaper.  If we start to put on a cloth diaper that is not to her liking she squirms and will try her darndest to not let you put that diaper on her.  This is annoying to say the least.

This is the one problem I have encountered in my now two years of cloth diapering.  Since I use a wide assortment of diapers of all different brands this opens the door for a particular toddler to be, well, particular.  She especially doesn't like the ones with snaps.  I think this is because once or probably twice, I pinched her every so slightly (by accident, of course).

Then a couple of weeks ago we went on vacation.  When we travel far we use disposable diapers.  It is just easier when you are not going to be near laundry facilities for a while.  C got quite used to these diapers.  So much so that she didn't want to go back to cloth diapers when we returned home.  Arrgh!

So what do I do with such a fickle girl?  Well, sometimes she gets her way but more times than not she doesn't.  As for her diapers, I keep telling her that if she would just go on the POTTY then we wouldn't have this problem....